Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Blood and chocolate (yum) :D

Okay, does anybody have any favorite werewolf movie? I do! This is probably the only movie that kind of get's werewolves right. Not the whole human into half man half wolf, but more human into just plain wolf. "Blood and chocolate." It is also a book. I only actually saw the movie recently, and it was pretty good. I'm thinking about reading the novel next week, since I am already reading something right now. The one vampire movie I have been wanting to see for a while is "Interview with the vampire." Also, "The lost boys." Has anyone ever seen either one of those? I already read the book to interview with the vampire, but some people are saying the movie is better. (How ironic.)


Timothy Reid said...

Be warned, if you're one of those people who cannont read the book and watch the movie because you point out whats wrong with the movie, I suggest you never watch the movie after you read the book. The movie is awesome, honestly it is but in certian ways its so different, I could hardly believe that they were the same.