Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bark is worse than his bite?

Hello everyone. Sorry I wasn't on yesterday. For those of whom don't know, my mom has made it a rule that every Monday and Thursday, my sister and I can't go on the computer. She says were on it way too much. But I don't agree. It's not like were looking up anything bad or something. Anyways, I got alot of you saying that transforming doesn't hurt. I was surprised when I read that, to tell you the truth. Because the thought of transforming into something and your bones rearranging themselves seems utterly unbearable. But I'm not a werewolf, so I can't say.
Have any of you ever heard the quote "his bark is worse than his bite"? Werewolves are even in that fact. Because werewolves howl and bark can sound over 20 miles, and the bite, well, it hurts like hell. LOL.


Timothy Reid said...

Well back before Hollywood (damn hollywood) no one thought shifting was that painful. The way I've seen it (I'm very scientific when it comes to these things) is that when shifting occurs, some sort of natural indorphine or something of that sort gets sent to the brain so it doesnt hurt the werewolf who is shifting.