Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wolffy transformation

Hello my dear wolffy friends. How is everyone this morning? Since I have never seen a Lycanthrope actually transform, I was wondering if you could try to explain to me what you, as a species, look like when you turn. I mean, do you have human or wolf eyes, paws or human hands with long nails? You never know, because there are so many different movies and portrayels of werewolves that you can never really get the right insight on one. So just explain to me your features and what you look like. And on my vampire blog, I will tell you what happens to me...

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'm back!

Good morrow, fellow Lycanthropes. How is everyone this beautiful Saturday morning? I am staying in darker places, as you all know. In my absence, I have done a lot of studying up of the contraversies between werewolves and vampires, and most of you know that werewolves use to be slaves to vampires. The difference of our kind is sort of like racism, if you may.
We aren't undre any circumstances, supposed to be friendly towards one another. And I think it is absolutely wonderful that we can create this kind of closeness and friendship with each other. Because really, who wants to follow in the path of their elders? Us, as young people, are apposed to make our own mistakes and learn from them, and I am happy that we have the ability to get along so well. Please, if you will, explain to me a little bit about your family history and I will in turn tell you about mine.