Sunday, October 26, 2008

Welcoming myself back

Hello my werewolf friends. It was a dandy weekend, except for the fact that my dad has alot of anger problems. That's always a bad thing, LOL. Once again, I am sorry that I didn't post this weekend, I was very busy. I went to the rosequarter haunted house with my dad, his girlfriend, Maggie, and my sister Riley. My throat is still sore from screaming so much. I know that I am a vampire, and am not supposed to be afraid, but it is one of my biggest fears that zombies come walking through doors. Do you know what I mean?
I came home to find that my room is all cleaned out, in courtesy to my mom. Isn't that fantastic? It was origionally cluttered with books and papers, and now there is nothing there but clean carpet. I was so exultant. The one movie I am dying to see again is Steven Speilbergs "The nightmare before Christmas." I've been obsessed with it for a long time, and it's coming out on HD sometime this month. Well, as you all know I won't be blogging tommorrow, but I do have some ideas that are going to bring this blog to life. I will tell you all on Tuesday.


Timothy Reid said...

My girlfriend, Lily, loves that movie. She is obsessed with it as well.

The Stray Wolves said...

Awwwwwww, man, seriously, wyh did ya' put that question on the poll? I feel like a wierdo...........
