Even though werewolves are portrayed differently on the T.V., we all know what we look like inside. After all, the werewolf's true beauty and goodness is inside himself. Some werewolves are indeed gruff, big and hairy. But inside they can be a personal teddy bear. Don't you agree? But, there are many differences between real wolves, and werewolves. For examble: werewolves think like humans. They usually don't base themselves on irrational pack instinct, unless it is at desperate times. But wolves, they let their senses take over and therefore loose most of their humanity. Werewolves can survive on their own since they have better muscle features, abling them to run through forests faster. And regular wolves are sleek, but they would never be able to outrun a werewolf. Do all of my fellow wolves agree on this?
Well actually I think it depends on the human side of the wolf. If the human is fat or just doesnt take care of his body and doesnt work out in some form then a wolf will be able to kick his butt. (I knew one out of shape werewolf who tryied to pick a fight with me. . . I still feel bad for what I did to him)
True it does depend on the human side of the wolf but wouldn't the wolf side be like an alter ego of the human?
i kinda agree with robert. if your human side isnt in shape, then its gonna be kinda hard to be compared with other werewolves/ regular wolves
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